in two months time, after all the sleepless nights and laborious pouring over countless references just to complete reports, i will already have finished the academic requirements to my masters course.
my life will be a little more gentler; a little more kind. i will have more time to devote to other things, besides reference books and websites that specialize in graft and corruption.
i can have more time with my mom and sister at the province. i can spend more quality time with dee; with "quality time" that means not just me reading and him, snoring or the other way around. hehehe. i can probably go back to doing yoga. i can probably do away with the stress-eating that's been eating up my system for months now.
the more i think of it, the more i'm getting excited. just 5 more weeks. hello change of pace.
Wish I had the same future. Now I want to envy you more.