what else is new? the sluggish feel of things surrounding me--people's movements, the slow trembling music (they don't play "trembling" music at starbucks, do they? trembling oldies, yes. but not the trembling trembly type thats just too trembly for convenience); even the the lights are a bit dimmer when you've been awake for more than 24 hours now (30 hours and 30 minutes, to be exact).
but its ok (i guess). i just happened to deliver the performance of my life, so far.
for one glorious hour, the stage was mine. i wasn't swallowed whole, like the fate of most in the class would most likely come to, given that our professor almost always would have a word or two to say about the details we chose to include (or not to include; but would later turn out to be that single lacking detail) in our respective reports. he's one hard-to-please dude. always looking for something not in the report; and announcing, for everyone to hear, things he would want to see included in the final written version. hows that for a shot of an ego-downer? lethal, i say. yes, he has that reputation. i am no stranger to his style; oh boy, how i know it so well. maybe that was why i was so determined to get it right this time, to show him what material i'm made of. i have balked in the past, like most did, in his presence. but not today.
today, we were equals--i was looking at him directly in the eyes, making my point. we were having a conversation in front of the class. and no one dared to make a point in the contrary.
and so i am like this, most fridays : a zombie, but i'm now adding a "happy" qualifier even for just one day. going home now to enjoy it while it lasts, haha!